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A Guide To Mattress Lifespan - How Long Will Your Mattress Last?

Trying to determine how long your mattress should last? Knowing how long a mattress can be used for can help you plan for future purchases and ensure that you get the most life out of your current sleep system. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover what factors determine a mattress lifespan, and give an overview on expected lifespans for different types of mattresses.

What factors affect your mattress lifespan?

There are a number of factors that can affect the lifespan of your mattress. It all depends on how much use the mattress receives, how often you rotate it, the quality and construction of the mattress, and of course its intended purpose. A higher-quality mattress with better components will likely last longer than a lower-quality mattress with cheaper components. Additionally, proper care and maintenance is key to extending your mattresses’ life.

How to tell if it's time for a replacement

So, how do you know when it’s time to replace your mattress? Look for signs of fatigue that appear after three years of use, such as sagging and indents in the mattress. If you wake up feeling stiff and sore every day, or if your mattress starts to squeak or make noise – these are all signs it’s time for a new one. It’s also a good idea to think about investing in a new mattress before your current one is beyond help, so you can take advantage of any warranties and enjoy the full convenience of a new bed. According to webmd.com: "If you keep getting hot in bed or wake up sweating, your mattress might need to be replaced. If you didn’t have a problem with temperature regulation when you first bought the mattress that’s a sure sign that your mattress is breaking down. The longer you have the mattress, the more the materials will soften and restrict airflow on the surface."

Different types of mattresses and their lifespans

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Different types of mattresses have different lifespans. Innerspring mattresses are generally expected to last between five and eight years, while foam mattresses usually last up to seven years. Memory foam and hybrid mattresses may last longer, up to 10 years or more with proper care and regular use. Latex (natural rubber) mattresses can also last much longer, up to 15 years or more if given the right support and maintenance.

Tips to prolong your mattress' life

To help extend the lifespan of your mattress, it is important to follow a few basic tips. Make sure to use a mattress protector which will keep dust and dirt out of the materials. Flip or rotate your mattress every three months. Use a quality prefabricated foundation or platform bed that provides proper support for the mattress. Lastly, avoid placing your mattress on the floor, as this can reduce its lifespan due to humidity and not enough air circulation. Be sure to follow these tips in order to make sure that your mattress stays in great condition for as long as possible!

Final advice on getting the most out of your mattress

Understanding how long your mattress should last and making sure you take the necessary steps to extend its lifespan should be your top priority. Some final pieces of advice include: avoid eating or drinking in bed, use two adults to move the mattress when needed, and clean with a vacuum cleaner that uses a HEPA filter. Keeping these factors in mind will help extend the life of your mattress, giving you more value for your money!


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